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Nuxt 3 Integration

The integration in Nuxt is done in a few steps.

The following settings must be adjusted:

  • Layout
  • Page Component


In the layout, the component ContentContainer must be placed around the respective page slot. The ContentContainer defined there represents the main of the page.

    <!-- main -->
      <slot />

<script setup>
import { ContentContainer } from 'vue-semantic-structure'

Page Component

With the exception of the first component, each additional component must contain a ContentContainer.

    <FirstComponent />
    <OtherComponentA />
    <OtherComponentB />

<script setup>
import FirstComponent from '~/components/FirstComponent.vue'
import OtherComponentA from '~/components/OtherComponentA.vue'
import OtherComponentB from '~/components/OtherComponentB.vue'
    <!-- h1 -->

<script setup>
import { ContentHeadline } from 'vue-semantic-structure'
  <!-- article -->
    <!-- h2 -->

<script setup>
import { ContentContainer, ContentHeadline } from 'vue-semantic-structure'
  <!-- article -->
    <!-- h2 -->

<script setup>
import { ContentContainer, ContentHeadline } from 'vue-semantic-structure'

Register Global

ContentHeadline and ContentContainer can also be defined globally.

Only one plugin needs to be created for this.

import { defineNuxtPlugin } from 'nuxt/app';
import { ContentHeadline, ContentContainer } from 'vue-semantic-structure';

export default defineNuxtPlugin({
  async setup(nuxtApp) {
    nuxtApp.vueApp.component('ContentHeadline', ContentHeadline);
    nuxtApp.vueApp.component('ContentContainer', ContentContainer);