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The WeakHardwareOverlay is used in components that are affected by the BoosterLayer event Weak Hardware. (Example: Component requires the execution of mounted for functionality.)


The performance issue event occurs when initialization determines that the client is overloaded with execution and the user has confirmed the .nuxt-booster-button-init-reduced-view button in the BoosterLayer.

Learn more about BoosterLayer interactions)

Basically, the overlay is used to make content visible when the Weak Hardware has occurred, if this does not occur, the overlay is not visible.

It is recommended to include an interaction element in the overlay that allows the user to switch to the normal state. For this the interaction element must get the Style Class .nuxt-booster-button-init-app and reacts on click with the initialization of the app.


Example of defining a custom WeakHardwareOverlay component and placing it in a target component that is affected by the Weak Hardware event.

Customize Overlay

    To improve your experience, extensive features have been disabled.<br />
    <button class="nuxt-booster-button-init-app">
      Click here to enable them.

<script setup lang="ts">
import BoosterWeakHardwareOverlay from '#booster/components/WeakHardwareOverlay.vue';

<style lang="postcss" scoped>
.nuxt-booster-weak-hardware-overlay {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: rgb(0 0 0 / 60%);
  backdrop-filter: blur(em(2px));

Usage Overlay

    <div ref="player" />
    <weak-hardware-overlay />
import WeakHardwareOverlay from '@/components/WeakHardwareOverlay';
export default {
  components: { WeakHardwareOverlay },
  mounted () {
    this.player = new Player(this.$refs.player)
<style lang="postcss" scoped>
.nuxt-booster-performance-issue-overlay {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: rgb(0 0 0 / 60%);
  backdrop-filter: blur(2px);