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Migrate from v2.0.x to v2.0.13

With the change to version 2.0.13 there are the following changes:


Hardware performance check removed

The hardware check for showing the BoosterLayer has been removed.

The option device from module and the use of the message (#nuxt-booster-message-outdated-device) in the BoosterLayer, are no longer valid and must be removed.

Alternatively, it now waits for a free idle slot when initializing the JS,

  • if a free slot is available, the JS is initialized
  • if no free slot is available, the message #nuxt-booster-message-weak-hardware is showed in the BoosterLayer.

The old message #nuxt-booster-message-outdated-device must be replaced by the new #nuxt-booster-message-weak-hardware. (See Messages)


  1. outdated-device to weak-hardware

    <li id="nuxt-booster-message-outdated-device">
      outdated device

    replaced with

    <li id="nuxt-booster-message-weak-hardware">
      weak hardware
  2. slow-connection to reduced-bandwidth

    <li id="nuxt-booster-message-slow-connection">

    replaced with

    <li id="nuxt-booster-message-reduced-bandwidth">

Button Interactions

Button #nuxt-booster-button-init-font has been replaced by #nuxt-booster-button-init-reduced-view.

#nuxt-booster-button-init-reduced-view does the following when clicked:

  1. Sets the CSS class nuxt-booster-reduced-view on the html tag.
  2. Activates all fonts by setting the class font-active on all elements with the attribute data-font.
  3. Converts all not activated pictures (:hydrate="false") from noscript to picture.


The CSS class nuxt-booster-reduced-view is removed again at app initialization.